Friday, October 9, 2015



Name of the teacher   :        Sameera K.P                          
Std                              :        VIII            
Subject                       :        English                               
Unit                            :        Seeds and deeds                
Sub Unit                     :        The Sower                         

Theme                  : Work
Sub theme          
Ø Dignity of Labour
Ø Various Forms of Work
Ø Dedication to Work
Ø Role of work in making life meaningful and purposeful    

Learning Outcomes
          The learner will be able to,
Ø Read aloud with proper stress and intonation
Ø Analyse poems on the basis of their theme and structure.
Ø Identifying and understand poetic devices like imagery, rhyming words etc.

The Pupil,
Ø Might have knowledge about the Poem.
Ø Might have known about the field and activities.

Teaching learning aids
Ø Source Book
Ø Laptop
Ø Chart
Ø Black Board

Discource  :        Rhyming Words

Teacher Creates a good rapport with students by an informal talk.

  •      Do you like field?
  •      Do you heard field song? (Teacher recites a field song)
  •      What is you ambition in your life?
  •     Do you want to become a farmer?

Entry activity

Teacher shows some picture of the farmers and their activities through PowerPoint presentation and asks some questions.  

Link talk
In this picture we can see farmers and their activities in the field. 
Today we are going to learn a poem “The Sower” writes on Black board.
In this poem we can see a sower and his activities.

Introducing the topic

Teacher shows a video clips of the poem “The Sower”.

Then teacher recites the poem with proper stress, rhythm, pronunciation and intonation.

Micro processing the input

Step 1 : Track Reading

Teacher says the pupils to recite the poem and mark “  ?!" with pencil while they keep the track of reading.

 Step 2 : Sharing and understanding Stanzas in group

Pupils are asked to share their ideas and what they found interesting or surprising and they are asked to refer glossary for meaning or expression of what they didn’t understand.

Step 3 : Scaffolding questions

  • What are the various activities involved in farming?
  • Where is the speaker sitting?
  • What time at the day is it?
  • How does the sower go about performing his task?


Teacher writes on blackboard two rhyming words.
Cool - Rule
Fast   - Past
The above mentioned words rhyming words, these words end with the same sound

Group Work

Pick out the rhyming words from the poem "The Sower"

Teacher’s version

Teacher presents her version trough a Laptop.


Write an appreciation of the poem “The Sower”

Teaching Learning Material

1. Entry Activity

2. Recitation of the Poem "The Sower"

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